IP Transit

IP Transit


iFog Gmbh operates its own IP Backbone under AS34927. We can provide your Network with high-quality IPv4 and IPv6 Transit from 10Mbit/s to 10Gbit/s in Europe and North-America.

IP Transit is available at the following Locations: Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London, Oslo, Zurich, Barcelona, Kansas, Fremont, Houston, Toronto, Sydney, Singapore.

If you want to learn more about our IP Transit offers, contact us: info@ifog.ch

IP Transit Pricing

Our IP-Transit has a unified pricing across all on-net locations. BGP Sessions are with our AS34927.
IP Transit via XC or VLAN includes a /31 IPv4 and /48 IPv6 link-net.

Bandwidth Bearer Pricing
IP-Transit 10M 10M 1G CHF 10/mo
IP-Transit 100M 100M 1G CHF 75/mo
IP-Transit 1G 1G 10G CHF 290/mo

-on-net locations: Amsterdam, Zurich. Frankfurt, Barcelona, Zurich, Oslo, Kansas, Fremont, Houston, Ashburn, Toronto.
-Terms: Pricing excludes crossconnect, pre-cabling or any local loop. Demarc @ iFog.
-Fiber (1G, 10G) handover are supported as well as RJ45 and via IXP, depending on location.

Order IP-Transit

City Datacenter
Amsterdam NIKHEF
Amsterdam Digital Realty AMS17
Amsterdam Digital Realty AMS9
Amsterdam Cogent Halfweg
Frankfurt Digital Realty FRA1-16
Frankfurt NTT FRA1
Frankfurt FirstColo FRA04
Frankfurt Equinix FR7
Zurich NTT ZRH1
Zurich Digital Realty ZRH1-3
Barcelona bitNAP
Vienna NTT VIE1
Oslo Gigahost Sandefjord
Kansas 1530 SWIFT - NOCIX
Fremont HE FMT2
Houston TRG Datacenters

DDoS Protection

iFog GmbH offers DDoS Protection for BYIP and BGP Custimers in various locations. Protection can can be delivered on a VLAN in any on-net location or over GRE.

If you want to get an DDoS Protection Quote, contact us: info@ifog.ch

Direct BGP Session with T1s and T2s

Resold BGP IP Transit sessions with Cogent, RETN, Telia, GTT, DTAG, Hurricane Electric, and Liberty Global are available in mutliple locations, upon request in any of our on-net locations.

Cogent IP Transit sessions are available in Zurich, Kansas, Barcelona and Amsterdam starting from CHF 44.-/month.Traffic is billed on the 95th for 0.50 CHF, contact us: info@ifog.ch
Telia IP Transit sessions are available in Amsterdam, Zurich, Barcelona, Frankfurt and Kansas starting from CHF 25.-/month + 70 setup, contact us: info@ifog.ch



If you want to get a Quote on GTT, Telia, DTAG, Liberty Global or Hurricane Electric, contact us: info@ifog.ch
Discounts are available on higher commits.