BGP Communities

The following BGP Communities are supported as of now:

  • 0 - no Export
  • 1 - 1x prepend
  • 2 - 2x prepend

Full List of BGP Communities per Location:
34927,947x - Cogent
34927,961x - Telia/Arelion
34927,911x - Meerfarbig
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric
34927,916x - GTT (limited distribution)
34927,948x - RETN
34927,950x - Deutsche Telekom (limited distribution)
34927,980x - Inter.Link

34927,930x - DE-CIX FRA
34927,931x - KleyReX
34927,932x - LocIX FRA
34927,933x - NL-IX
34927,934x - EVIX
34927,939x - DE-CIX MUC
34927,940x - LocIX DUS
34927,941x - DE-CIX DUS
34927,942x - DE-CIX HAM
34927,973x - DE-CIX MAD
34927,945x - STACIX
34927,963x - FogIXP

34927,913x - Hurricane Electric
34927,956x - Liberty Global
34927,947x - Cogent
34927,965x - Lumen
34927,917x - Zare (limited distribution)
34927,961x - Telia/Arelion

34927,936x - SwissIX
34927,938x - CHIX-CH
34927,949x - Community-IX
34927,963x - FogIXP

34927,961x - Telia/Arelion
34927,956x - Liberty Global
34927,947x - Cogent
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric
34927,957x - WD6
34927,980x - Inter.Link (limited distribution)

34927,952x - LSIX
34927,953x - SpeedIX
34927,954x - AMS-IX
34927,955x - FrysIX
34927,960x - NetIX
34927,933x - NL-IX
34927,970x - ERA-IX
34927,971x - Inter-IX
34927,979x - France-IX
34927,963x - FogIXP
34927,981x - PiterIX

Do-Not-Export to LGI Peering: 0, 6830

34927,961x - Telia/Arelion
34927,917x - Zare
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric

34927,935x - LINX LON
34927,943x - LoNAP

34927,918x - TerraHost
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric

34927,937x - FIXO
34927,944x - FSIX

34927,947x - Cogent
34927,961x - Telia/Arelion

34927,973x - DE-CIX MAD
34927,974x - DE-CIX BCN
34927,975x - DE-CIX LIS
34927,976x - Barcelona-IX

34927,961x - Telia/Arelion
34927,947x - Cogent
34927,920x - GVVME
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric

34927,946x - KCIX
34927,964x - SIX

34927,972x - GoCodeIT
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric

34927,973x - ONIX
34927,974x - Accurix

34927,958x - Mythic Beasts
34927,978x - DMIT

34927,959x - SFMIX
34927,934x - EVIX
34927,962x - IX Reserved

34927, 966x - RansomIT
34927, 913x - Hurricane Electric

34927, 967x - EdgeIX Sydney

34927, 9010 - Do-Not-Export outside of Metro Area

x=0 - no Export, x=1 - 1x prepend, x=2 - 2x prepend
DE-CIX FRA and FIXO only: x=9 - no Export to direct Peers

Notes: IXPs include direct peers over that IXP.
Some Upstreams / Peerings are v4 or v6 only.

BGP Informal Communities
34927,110 - Transit Frankfurt/EU
34927,130 - Frankfurt IXPs
34927,930 - NL-IX
34927,810 - Transit Switzerland
34927,830 - Switzerland IXPs